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Kako nastaju nesrećni ljudi?

Dan je predivan,taman kako volim. Preko dana se još uvek mogu nositi sandale,a uveče možete obući nerc preko letnje haljine. Ustala sam i u hotelskoj sobi još uvek iz kreveta napisala blog o međuljudskim odnosima sa svim formulama,šemama i objašnjnenjima. Kao i obično prosledila sam tekst mojoj dragoj prijateljici Isidori da ga pogleda i kaže mi svoje mišljnje pre nego što objavim tekst na svom vebsajtu.
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Love actually

Let's start from the very beginning. Do we know what love actually is? Is falling in love just a beginning of true love? Are you in a true love relationship if you didn't immediately fall in love with, or if you dislike your partner on the first place?
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Ragovori na temu Polarnosti i Dualne terapije

Gostovanja i razgovori na temu Dualne terapije koja je detaljno opisana u najnovijoj knjizi "Upomoć,prijateljice!" koautora Isidore Bjelice i Jovane Hiesmayr. Roman koji nam otkriva put između dobrih i loših ivica života i koji nam na lepršav način govori o teškim životnim situacijama. Knjigu će objaviti izdavačka kuća Laguna i pojaviće se u knjižarama tokom avgusta meseca. 
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Life on line

How often do you post pictures on Instagram ? How often do you use text messages on Whatsapp? On Viber? In the morning when you open your eyes, do you first say good morning to your family or do you take your phone in your hands? You don't need to give the answers to me, but you definitely owe them to yourself. The question is:-what force is pulling us to post our pictures and expose ourselves to the world?
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Simple ways to find happiness

We often think that big happiness is waiting for us somewhere in the future. Sometimes we believe that it is the near future. 'I' ll be happy when I get a new pair of shoes.' Or, I' ll be happy if the person I have a crush on gives me a call.' Or when we go out and have a party .... Sometimes we hope that happiness awaits us at the end of College. So for the long five or six years we pray that one day when we graduate we'll be happy. We hope we'll be happy when our kids get married or when they find a job...
After years and years of waiting, when that day finally arrives and when we finally, let's say- graduate, we are happy for a few days or even months, but very quickly we go back to our square one and this time wait to get a job in order to be happy.
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