My Story
I was born and grew up in a very intellectual family in Serbia. My family believed in the system of working hard, getting good grades and getting a nine-to-five job. Personal happiness and its meaning weren’t discussed that much.
Much later in life, I started a long journey or as I call it “the voyage”, a self-discovery through personal development.It’s important to always be thankful in order to open ourselves up and attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.
I graduated with a Master’s degree in Geography and Tourism at the University of Natural Sciences with the highest honors.
After I graduated from college, I’ve decided to leave everything behind and follow my heart. Some may say it was like a dream, marrying a wonderful man and starting a new life in a beautiful city abroad. But I was a stranger in this city, without any friends and with limited knowledge of the language spoken there.
After a couple of years, I moved with my husband and the kids to Dubai. The big lesson I have learned there is that outside success doesn't lead to happiness. Although money gives you immediate satisfaction, happiness won’t last if you don’t take care of your inner being. You hear it all the time - money cannot buy happiness. But when you see it with your own eyes, you realize the importance of spiritual growth and inner balance. That was when I started soaking up spiritual rituals, meditation, journaling and everything else that would help me to find my own balance. I attended a lot of seminars and took many different courses on self-helping methods. During this time, I learned a lot about people. I had not realized, however, that this was the beginning of my profession as a Life coach.
After almost five years, we moved back to Vienna. Sitting at home all day made me unhappy. After a while, I became depressed.
All the advice that I was giving to the people in my surroundings, I had to listen to it myself. I focused on finding a job and, step-by-step worked in that direction. Although this wasn’t my dream job, I was still thankful for being able to have a job at all. That was an important lesson for me: feeling grateful, even though I knew I could get a much better-suited job. It’s important to always be thankful in order to open ourselves up and attract abundance and prosperity into our lives. Although we already know the Law of Attraction, once we look into our own lives from the outside, we can see how much we understand it. In our lives, we attract what we are, not what we want.
I want to share my experience with other people and help them to go out of their comfort zone and finally realize their dreams and goals. It is not an easy path, but, it’s definintely worth it.
Life is always changing. I realized that my philosophy was my best tool to keep my loved ones and me happy.
Once I took my life into my own hands, when I stopped blaming the country, other people, circumstances, everything changed for the better.
It was not an easy path. I had to go very deep in analyzing my beliefs, my thoughts and my behaviors. Then I realized that all the techniques I used during my own personal transformation could be useful for helping other people’s growth. It’s a wonderful process in which I continue my own growth by opening new perspectives for other people.
I want to share my experience with other people and help them get out of their comfort zone and finally realize their dreams and goals. It is not an easy path, but it’s definitely worth it.
Everybody is on a journey, or as I call it “Voyage”, from the time we are born, until the time we depart. My philosophy and my coaching methods are there to help people begin to make conscious choices in their lives and not just stick to their usual routines. We need to let go of all the beliefs that do not benefit us in our lives.
Somehow, we lost an important connection to our inner being. We live our lives without much thinking, just doing things automatically.
Together with Isidora Bjelica, one of the most famous authors and spiritual workers in Europe, we founded the Dual therapy method. The dual Therapy methods helps us observe our thoughts and feelings from a higher perspective that allows us to see more clearly than just who is right or wrong, what is good or bad, what is black or white. Only if we perceive the dualistic world as it is we can consciously choose life in higher dimensions where nothing is good or bad, per se. By accepting our shadow and our dualistic nature we can rise above it.
My philosophy aims to help people feel better about themselves, to help them achieve their goals, increase their confidence and develop their natural ability to be fully satisfied with their lives.
Growing up in Serbia and living internationally in Vienna, Dubai, Cyprus, and Spain I have dedicated my life to education and helping others. I’ve experimented with different lifestyles: I was a mom and a housewife, an internationally successful model, and someone working a 9 to 5 job (just like everyone else). Nevertheless, I had never forgotten my true dream: to help this world become a better place.
I want to show everyone that they can be the happiest person they know. You can have it all. Life is what you make out of it. We need to observe our thoughts and feelings in order to control them and change them in our favor.
I want to make an impact and inspire women and men to find their way to be happy. I want to help people feel better about themselves and to be comfortable in their own skin. Most of all, to show them ways and tools for creating the reality they want to live in.
My goal is to encourage people to be whoever they want to be, regardless of other people’s opinions.
From the outside, my life always looked great. I managed to paint a perfect picture, making sure that those around me would accept that and even admire it. Meanwhile, however shiny, it made me feel empty inside. The many struggles of growing up in less than an ideal childhood and a dysfunctional family, living in a place during wars and bombings, and then moving to a different country where I was never fully integrated, all left a mark on my soul. But now, I know that all these life experiences were necessary to guide me toward the power of healing and personal transformation.
My spiritual teaching techniques are here to help women to better understand their own power and potential. The methods and energy techniques I use help my clients awaken their feminine energy inside of them and to find a balance between their masculine and feminine energies, Yin and Yang, light and dark.
Jo’s Voyage online teaching programs include some of the very effective ways of reprogramming destructive emotional beliefs that are stopping us from living a healthy relationship with others and ourselves.
I want to help people understand that their thoughts, words, emotions and actions depend only on them. Dual Therapy is one of my favorite methods I am using with my clients, along with other methods that involve emotional, energy and spiritual work.
My goal is to encourage people to be whoever they want to be, regardless of other people’s opinions.