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  • Life Coach & Spiritual Friend

    Life Coach & Spiritual Friend

    Co-Founder of Dual Therapy
  • Think good, look good, do good, and live good

    Think good, look good, do good, and live good

About Me

The Voyage

Everybody is on a journey, or as I call it “Voyage”, from the time we are born, until the time we depart.

My philosophy and my coaching methods, are there for people to begin to make conscious choices in their lives and not just sticking with their routines of getting up in the morning, going to work, reading papers in the afternoon…


Work with Jo

Work with Jo

Jo’s Voyage coaching implements strategies to help people become the moving force that liberates their own potentials. My goal is to create new ideas, modes and behavioral patterns to lead my clients to their own personal success...

Dual Therapy

Dual Therapy

Jovana Hiesmayr, a life development coach, along with Isidora Bjelica, one of the best- selling authors of the Balkans, are the founders and creators of Dual Therapy.

Latest Posts

My focus is on helping people feel better in their own skin and helping them define and reach their goals in life. My mission is to make this world a better place by guiding you to find happiness inside you. After all, the only goal in our lives is to be happy.

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Project ONE
  • „I believe that we live in a dualistic world, that we are defined by our spiritual and physical side.
    Those two are equally important in my work and so I always work toward the development inside and out.“
    Jo Hiesmayr